Why I am Thankful for Running

My boss and I got along really well. But not right now. He had just assigned the two most obnoxious people to my project.

Yes, they were “subject-matter experts”. In fact, they both had PhDs in the field that we were working on. They were smartest people in the department. But they had zero social skills. They were intimidating. They didn’t care about milestones or deadlines or documentation standards. My life for the next few months would be a nightmare. I was scared.

At that moment, I felt that I desperately needed to go for a run. It was close to lunch time so the timing was perfect. I put on my running shoes and the world was a better place. I loved my running route: it took me out of the city up a hill into the forest. The fresh smell and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere calmed me down. The birds were singing. A mother and her two kids were walking their dog. My mind wandered to happy, pleasant thoughts and I felt relaxed. All the office worries seemed to shrink to nothing. Life was good again.

I returned to my desk, full of confidence and optimism: yes, I could to this. I arranged for individual meetings with the two guerrilla geniuses and explained that I really needed their help to succeed. They understood.

We started the project. We had daily meetings. Not all were smooth, but most. We kept a good line of communication. They stuck to the deadlines. They helped me to understand the topic better. In fact, we closed our project on time and all our deliverables were in place. I even got “extra points” for it from my boss in the year-end review.  

Running helped me to calm down and to put things in perspective. It gave me enough breathing space to realize that I can do hard things. It gave me the confidence I needed to tackle the seemingly impossible.

And that is why I am thankful for running.    

And you? Why are you thankful for running?

I am linking up with  Kookyrunner and Zenaida  for Tuesday Topics.  


  1. Liebe Catrina, eigentlich müsste ich hier zu gar nichts mehr sagen, nur mit dem Kopf nicken und sagen: YES YES YES, weil ich es zu 100 % genauso empfinde wie du – das weißt du ja !

    Immer wieder so schön, auf Gleichgesinnte zu stoßen und DANK Internet auf der ganzen Welt.

    YES , let’s keep on running…………………………

    Und deine Fotos bestätigen es mit einem zufriedenen Lächeln – schön !

    1. Genau! So eine virtuelle Laufgemeinschaft ist schon eine gute Sache! Mir kommt es manchmal vor, wie wenn man sich schon persönlich begegnet wäre. Eine schöne Woche!

  2. That’s great that running actually helped you in your work! I have to say, I do my best thinking on the run. 🙂

    Isn’t it funny (not Big Bang funny) how the smartest people can be so difficult sometimes?

    Kudos on a job well done!

  3. I’m thankful to running for multiple reasons, but most importantly because it has connected me with so many amazing people!

    1. Oh yes, you are so right! The running community is awesome, both in virtual and real life!👍🏻

  4. There are so many thing to love about running, and not just the fitness benefits. I also sometimes solve all the world’s problems (sort of LOL) while running. At least I can assess the situation(s) and come up with probable causes and possible solutions based on my sociology training. And, I can get a good workout in the process 🙂 Win-win!!

    1. Exactly! Running is such an amazing problem solver! Even if the problem is still there after the run, we at least had a chance to look at possible solutions. Plus a run! Win-win is so true 😃

  5. How much time do you have? Running has kept me sane for oh…30 some years! It’s amazing how one activity can do that. Oh and those monkey bars…I love swinging on them too!

  6. Liebe Catrina, ich bin Softwareentwicklerin und immer, wenn es schwierige Projekte gibt, wenn mein Kopf raucht, wenn das Problem sich weigert, gefunden zu werden, immer dann hilft der Sport. Laufschuhe an und raus in den Wald. Oder das MTB genommen und auf die Piste. Es gibt einfach nichts besseres, nichts was mehr entspannt, nichts, was die Gedanken fliegen lässt. Und anschließend ist der Kopf wieder klar. Die Sicht auf die Dinge ist wieder deutlich. Alles ist einfacher.
    Und dafür bin ich sehr sehr dankbar.
    Schön zu lesen, das es anderen genau so geht 🙂

    1. Liebe Helge, Softwareentwicklung stelle ich mir sehr intensiv vor. Da tut ein Lauf in den Wald (oder eine MTB Session) so gut. Eigentlich verdient das Laufen den Status eines Heilmittels. Und das ohne Nebenwirkungen!
      Ich wünsche dir viele schöne, beruhigende Läufe und einen schönen Rest der Woche!

    1. Haha! I was thinking that too! Fortunately, he’s the type who would understand. Happy Thanksgiving, too!

  7. Liebe Catrina,
    das unterschreibe ich sofort: “Running is such an amazing problem solver!”
    Früher hat mich meine Frau manchmal einfach in den Wald geschickt, damit ich entspannter und “klarer” zurückkomme. – Im Wald, bzw. beim Laufen, habe ich super Möglichkeiten nachzudenken und manches Problem zu klären!
    Wir bleiben dran! 😉
    LG Manfred

    1. Lieber Manfred
      Genau! Für das nähere Umfeld ist es auch besser, wenn sie die Läufer rausschicken. Und ich glaube, Laufen + Wald ist die ideale magische Kombination. Wirkt immer!

  8. That is such an inspiring story – one of many that I have heard and that I wholeheartedly agree with. Running is a friend, when we need one, a mediator (for the chaos in our heads) and the greatest physical outlet that helps us calm down and regroup. I love it.

    1. So well put, San! Running is a true friend and always there when we need it most. I am happy that you love it too! 😊👍🏻

  9. I’m so with you. Running is the best destressor ever. I’m glad it helped you deal with that tough work situation.

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